Happy One Year of Getting Laid Off

One year ago today…I got the news most employees don’t want to get. “Our contract is ending soon and we’re basically letting go of people who aren’t technical”I got laid off and I had mixed feelings. I remember one on side feeling relieved, because I wasn’t about the 9-5 life AT ALL. On the other... Continue Reading →

Indians in America: The time is NOW

When Indian started immigration to America in the 1970's(and/or earlier)they were the odd ones out. Indian? What Indian? Like Native Americans? OH...the dot Indians! Who Columbus looked for.... This is the pioneer generation of Indian-Americans who had a face a lot of these questions firsthand about who Indians are. They are the generation who raised... Continue Reading →

A Win for Indian Immigrants

Earlier this year I had been to a business conference where recognition was held for accomplishments for the past fiscal year. Respect, Loving All, Serving All, Humility, Faith,Relationships, Family, Values, Morals, Equality, Loyalty. Do we hear these in the business world often in any country? What I witnessed was more than a recognition of successful... Continue Reading →

My-Journey of a Dancer

My journey as a performing artist started when I was very young I can't even remember when I started because I know that I would always watch my mom dance go to all of her events and get scared of looking at her with all of the heavy make up(lol). But I definitely remember doing... Continue Reading →

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